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WEEK 2, DAY 6-10 (January 29 - February 02, 2018)

Updated: Feb 25, 2018

WEEK 2, DAY 6 (January 29, 2018) Monday

Grade 10 Social (Geography)

Buckingham Room

I have taught Geography (Grade 10 Social) The Geography class is divided into two periods, from 01:50 PM to 02:30 PM, and from 02:30 PM to 03:10 PM. The regular time allotment for the Economics class of Grade 10 Social is 40 minutes per period. Grade 10 Social is composed of nine students. The class is being held in TMI-SHS Building C, ground floor, Buckingham Room. Our topic for this day is about Lithosphere.

During the Observation Period, I noticed that Grade 10 Social are less active in game-based learning strategy as compared to other classes. This is partly due to the logical thinking characteristic of the students.

I decided to use lecture method during our first meeting. To encourage the Grade 10 Social to be more active, I gave them a project, that is to create a volcanic model to be presented in the next meeting.

I created a game-based material that resembles "Kahoot". This material will be utilized for the next meeting.

WEEK 2, DAY 7 (January 30, 2018) Tuesday

WEEK 2, DAY 8 (January 31, 2018) Wednesday

Grade 11 Social (Economics)

Helsinki Room

I have taught Economics (Grade 11 Social). The Economics class is divided into two periods, from 7:45 AM to 8:30 AM, and from 8:30 AM to 9:15 AM. The regular time allotment for the Economics class of Grade 11 Social is 45 minutes per period. Grade 11 Social is composed of 14 students. The class is being held in TMI-SHS Building C, ground floor, Helsinki Room. Our topic for this day is about an Economic Indicator, Consumer Price Index.

During the Observation Period, I noticed that Grade 11 Social are more active in game-based learning strategy as compared to other classes.

I opened the the class meeting through a message relay game. Also, I gave each student a form which contains the Pointing System, KWL Chart and the Learning Logs to be utilized for the subject.

To further explain Consumer Price Index, I used contextualization of inputs so they could relate the topic to the daily life of Indonesians. I asked them to give the price of goods and services in their City. I used this price inputs to explain the concept and computation of Consumer Price index

Actually, all the subjects (except English and Bahasa Indonesia Subjects) in TMI and other schools are taught in Bahasa Indonesia. It would require further adjustments for students to understand the subject if the medium of instruction is English. So, to lessen t further adjustments on the part of the students, I decided to translate the concepts and try to speak in Bahasa Indonesia as mush as I could.

Introducing the Pointing System, KWL Chart and Learning Logs Form to Grade 11 Social

WEEK 2, DAY 9 (February 01, 2018) Thursday

This is the first time that I will meet the Grade 11 Science. But this first-time experience gave me the feeling of excitement more than the feeling nervousness. Just like the other classes that I have handled, Grade 11 Science are active students. They are great inquirers. They always asked questions about a certain issue in History. And this make the class more interactive!

Grade 11 Science (History

Keukenhof Room

I have taught History (Grade 11 sciencel). The schedule for Grade 11 (Science) History class is from 2:30 PM to 3:10 PM. The regular time allotment for the History class of Grade 11 Science is 40 minutes per period. Grade 11 Science is composed of 11 students. The class is being held in TMI-SHS Building C, ground floor, Keukenhof Room. Our topic for this day is about West Colonialism and Imperialism.

Just like Grade 11 Social, Grade 11 Science are also active in game-based learning.

I opened the the class meeting through a message relay game. Also, I gave each student a form which contains the Pointing System, KWL Chart and the Learning Logs to be utilized for the subject.

I observed and I learned that most of the Grade 11 Science have no quality time with elders. So, I decided to introduce a project from which they could learn History at the same time, have a quality time with their elders/parents.

I instructed them to create a video interview with their parents about the Colonial History of Indonesia. The video will be submitted on the next meeting. I hope that the objective of this project would be attained - to learn colonial history from the students' respective parents...

WEEK 2, DAY (February 02, 2018) Friday

Grade 12 students had a photo shoot in the house of their classmates. The students invited me together with the other teachers to witness the preparation and actual shooting.

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